Tapestry is proud to announce the arrival of our newly updated and fine-tuned artwork asset management system Symphony 2. Our clients who are already benefiting from the updates really think we’ve hit the right note! (Why Thank-you.)
We have developed and sharpened Symphony for over 10 years to assist and facilitate the approval of our clients’ artwork assets. This has been made possible using the latest HTML5 technology and modern cryptography encryptions, which will guarantee total 100% protection for our clients.
An internally developed database helps track key milestones for projects, so statistics can be reviewed and analysed for feedback. Likewise, it improves and streamlines communication between our clients and us, so each party works in harmony with each other – and very simply making everyone’s lives much easier!
The tool is under the careful watching eye of our internal development team who review it regularly, alongside with senior managers and clients so it can continuously evolve and improve in line with future technologies.
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