Ride London

Prudential Ride London for Charity

Our head of Publishing, Keith, recently took part in Ride London’s cycle for charity, and raised £600 for the MS Society.

“Thank you to everyone for their support, best wishes and sponsorship.
I had a great day, although the weather could have been kinder, 60 odd miles into a headwind through Surrey with 10 miles of persistent light rain, my excuse for not riding quiet as quickly as I planned, finishing in 6 hours. All in 135 miles, 11 hours door to door, 1 rest stop, 1 coffee, no punctures, no falls, 1.5 hours of standing around and 1 big medal!

Great support all the way round and the finish as you come round Trafalgar square onto the Mall, the noise is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Despite the picture I did enjoy the ride a great route and lots of people of all levels out on a bike, what could be better!

Thanks to you all again


Ride London



Ride London

Header Photo credit: The Guardian