There’s no denying it, digital ads and online campaigns are unavoidable. Last year, digital ad spend saw the biggest rise in almost ten years, as brands and agencies take to the digital platform to reach a mass audience. So if you’re increasing your budgets for digital advertising, you’ve got to be sure to get it right, right?
We’ve been offering our press advertising services for over forty years, and eight years ago we began to produce digital banners too. Press and digital are crucial in integrated marketing campaigns, and by offering both of these services under the same roof, we can deliver your campaigns with the upmost efficiency.
The digital world is ever changing and evolving, and we believe in continuously investing time and money into ensuring we remain at the top end of HTML5 banner production.As our digital advertising department has continued to grow over the years, it makes sense that we now have a dedicated page to showcase our HTML5 banner work. So, we’re very excited to announce the launch of our Digital Advertising web page, which you can visit here.
Much like the increased ad spend on digital, brand and agencies are investing more time and money into producing quality social media posts. This only seems inevitable as the prominence of social media in our daily lives is undeniable. Platforms such as Instagram allows brands to express their identity solely through content such as videos, images or cinemagraphs. Planning out social media strategies provides brands with more time to produce posts and ensure top quality content is published. It is no longer uncommon to schedule in shoots for images that will only be distributed across social media as this is now essential to any integrated marketing strategy.
Below are a few examples of photography work we have provided for a range of our clients that were seeking to increase the quality of their posts.
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